Your privacy

Privacy Statement of All Seasons Apartments
In Europa is vanaf 25 mei 2018 de Algemene verordening Gegevensbescherming van kracht. Voor Caribisch Nederland, alwaar wij formeel zijn gevestigd is deze regelgeving niet van toepassing en geldt de Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens BES. Omdat wij ook klanten in Nederland en België benaderen valt deze website formeel wel onder de verordening. Daarom hebben wij deze website conform de gestelde richting ingericht zodat u weet wat wij doen met uw gegevens en dat wij uw privacy zeer serieus nemen.
In deze privacy verklaring leest u alles over de manier waarop uw persoonsgegevens worden verzameld en hoe daarmee omgegaan wordt. Zo wordt uitgelegd waar uw gegevens opgeslagen liggen en voor welke doelen uw gegevens opgeslagen worden. Daarnaast vind u hier ook al uw rechten met betrekking tot uw gegevens en hoe u gebruik kunt maken van die rechten. De privacyverklaring zal soms gewijzigd worden door bijvoorbeeld wetswijzigingen. Het is daarom raadzaam de verklaring periodiek te raadplegen.
About All Seasons Bonaire
You are currently reading the privacy statement of All Seasons Apartments B.V.. All Seasons Apartments B.V. All Seasons is a resort and has 12 accommodations, 2 hotel rooms, 7 studios and 3 apartments. There are situations in which your data is collected by All Seasons Apartments B.V.. It is therefore good that you know what will be done with it and how you can indicate your wishes regarding your data. That is what this statement is about. If you are uncomfortable with the use of your data by All Seasons Apartments B.V., please feel free to contact us!
Data retention period
Your data will be retained by All Seasons Apartments B.V. for a longer period of time, but never longer than is necessary for carrying out activities, unless we are required by law to retain your data for longer.
Sending out newsletters
Your e-mail address and first name may be stored on a local PC. The storage of your data is indefinite. You can unsubscribe whenever you want via the link at the bottom of the newsletters or by sending an e-mail to
The moment you contact All Seasons Apartments B.V. via email, the data you provide, such as your name, company name, and email address, will be stored on the mail server. These mails are stored for a maximum of two years.
The data collected by Analytics on the website is anonymous, i.e. not connected to your name, company or email address. This data is stored indefinitely within Google Analytics.
No physical copies of your personal data will be made. Your data is only managed in the aforementioned systems and software. The personal data managed by All Seasons Apartments B.V. or by aforementioned third parties can only be accessed via the aforementioned software and is secured with a password and where possible with two-step verification. The number of devices that can access your data is limited to only those required.
In addition, your visit to our website is secured by an SSL certificate. This means that your connection to the website of All Seasons Apartments B.V. is private. You will recognise this security by the green lock in front of the url. In addition, the domain of All Seasons Apartments B.V. is signed with DNSSEC. This is an additional tool that makes the 'signposting' of the website more secure and trustworthy.
The website is structurally kept up to date by always installing the latest plugins and WordPress updates. Additional measures such as malware scanners and firewalls are also used to keep the All Seasons Apartments website(s) secure.
Your rights
Right of inspection
You have the right to retrieve your data recorded and stored by All Seasons Apartments B.V. at any time. You can do this by sending an e-mail or contacting All Seasons Apartments B.V. by telephone. You will then receive an overview of your data.
Right of rectification
Is your information incorrect? Or has your data changed? You have the right to have this rectified by All Seasons Apartments B.V.. You can change your newsletter details via the url provided at the bottom of each newsletter.
Right to transfer
Should you need the data stored by All Seasons Apartments B.V. in the event you switch to another party or service, you have the right to transfer. In doing so, All Seasons Apartments B.V. must transfer all of your data to the other party.
Right to erasure of data
Do you no longer want your data to be recorded at All Seasons Apartments B.V.? Then you have the right to have your data deleted.
Right to file a complaint
You have the right to file a complaint with Authority Persoonsgegevens, if you feel that All Seasons Apartments B.V. is not handling your data properly. You can do so via this link.
Right to stop data use (objection)
Do you not want All Seasons Apartments B.V. to use your data? Then you have the right to stop the use of your personal data. You can exercise these rights via and send a copy of your ID card, in which the passport photo, passport numbers, ID number and BSN have been made illegible. We aim to respond within one week.
The duties of All Seasons Bonaire
All Seasons Apartments B.V. processes personal data on the basis of a legitimate interest, namely a commercial interest. This includes offering services or products of All Seasons Apartments B.V. via e-mail. Your data will never be sold to third parties. The data required to be supplied are the minimum data required to offer the services or products. For example, your e-mail address is required to send the newsletter. If this mandatory data is not supplied, All Seasons Apartments B.V. cannot offer the service in question.
Should it be necessary to share information you have shared with All Seasons Apartments B.V. with parties other than those listed above (for example, to provide a service), your consent will first be sought.
All Seasons Apartments B.V. reserves the right to disclose data when required by law or when All Seasons Apartments B.V. deems this justified to comply with a legal request/process or to protect the rights, property or security of All Seasons Apartments B.V. In doing so, we always endeavour to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.
All about cookies
What are Cookies?
On our websites, we use cookies that your browser (the program you use to read websites) stores on your computer. A cookie is a small text file that stores user settings and other information. This file is sent to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies cannot damage the computer and the files on it.
Cookies are used to facilitate actions for you as a user and/or to achieve a certain functionality. All Seasons Apartments B.V. uses cookies to enhance online convenience.
Technical and tracking cookies
Two types of cookies are used on the All Seasons Apartments B.V. website: technical and tracking cookies. The technical cookies are necessary for the site to work correctly.
Tracking cookies are used to provide us with insight into visitor behavior on our site in order to optimize our website.
We use the following tracing cookies:
Google Analytics
Google Analytics is software that provides insight into website traffic to our websites (either all singular or all plural I would do). Google Analytics provides a clear picture of visitor flow, which other websites visitors come to our website from, and page views, among other things.
Social media buttons (sharing)
Share this is a program that allows users to share pages on our website via social media and email. When you use Share this, cookies are sent to your PC by third parties.
Adjusting cookie settings in your browser
You can set your browser not to receive cookies during your visit to our website. In that case, you may not be able to use all the features of our website or you may not be able to visit certain parts of our website.